We all need a sense of purpose. Webster defines purpose as something set up as an object or end to be attained: INTENTION, DETERMINATION.

These are four key steps that, I believe, are important to “developing a sense of purpose”:

  1. Set a Goal
  2. Have a Plan
  3. Stay the Course
  4. Depend on God

Set a Goal: Accomplishing what you want to become in life begins with setting a goal. Goal setting is essential to success.

Have a Plan: You need to have a plan for reaching your goal. Most things that we do in life (whether good or bad) start with a plan. A plan is defined as a method of achieving an end–a program of action for achieving something. When you are building a home, you have to look at several “plans”. Before the builders can begin building, they have to know what “plan” you have–they need to work from a blueprint or a “plan.” Don’t let the hurt and disappointment in this life keep you from moving forward with your plan.

Stay the Course: When you’re on an airplane, you will sometimes run into some turbulence or some rough spots, but you can’t get off…you’ve got to reach your destination…you’ve got to stay the course. So is life. In order to reach your goal, you’ve got to stay the course! If you got off the airplane because of the ‘rough spots’, you might never reach your destination. Remember, every person who has ever taken up a challenge has more than likely faced defeat at some point. To be victorious, we need to stick to the course that God has been set for us.

Depend on God. For me, dependence on God is a principal ingredient to success. He is a success, not a failure. Therefore, He does not want us to live as failures. The concept of success and the blessings it brings should motivate us to become the best no matter what we do in life.